Information requirements concerning the collection of personal data from the data subject (Art. 13 GDPR)

If the contracting party of Markant AG (Markant) is a natural person (sole proprietorship), Markant collects personal data from him or her, the processing of which is protected by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For this reason, Markant hereby refers the contracting party to the following statements regarding the handling and protection of this data:

  • Personal data (contact information, correspondence, sales, business partners of the contracting party, etc) that the contracting party provides to Markant or that the latter collects are used by Markant mainly to carry out pre-contractual procedures, to fulfil contracts, either existing or being concluded, to document the business relationship and to facilitate quick and error-free interaction with the contracting party.
  • Personal data may be forwarded by Markant to its affiliated companies, customers (in particular trading companies) and external service providers (e.g. software and hardware providers, insurance companies, banks, lawyers). In principle, MARKANT forwards personal data only to third parties who have committed themselves to confidentiality and the observance of data protection regulations.
  • Personal data may be retained by Markant throughout the duration of the business relationship with the contracting party. On completion of the business relationship, the personal data may still be retained for 10 years, after which it will be deleted. An exception to this practice concerns longer retention due to special legal obligations and/or due to pending or incomplete legal disputes.
  • Pursuant to Art. 15 GDPR, the contracting party has the right to access his or her personal data that Markant retains, to rectify the data pursuant to Art. 16 GDPR, to its erasure under Art. 17 GDPR, to restrict its processing in accordance with Art. 18 GDPR, to object to its processing as stipulated in Art. 21 GDPR and, if applicable, to data portability in accordance with Art. 20 GDPR.
  • The contracting party is not obliged to provide MARKANT with his or her personal data. However, Markant will generally be unable to conclude or execute a contract with the party in question without the provision of personal data.
  • Pursuant to Art. 22 GDPR, Markant does not use fully automated decision-making to conclude or execute contracts.
  • The contracting party has a right of appeal to a competent supervisory authority.
  • The contracting party may contact the Markant data protection officer at
  • Markant has designated the following representative within the EU:

    Markant Services International GmbH
    Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Straße 2
    77656 Offenburg

  • Any changes to the above information can be viewed at


Note regarding collection of third-party data (Art. 14 GDPR)

Markant collects third-party personal data from the contracting party. This collection may include data of natural persons (e.g. contractor’s employees). This data is used by Markant to carry out pre-contractual procedures, to fulfil contracts being concluded, to document the business relationship and to facilitate fast and error-free interaction with the contracting party. The processed data may include contact details, (e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, etc), dates of birth, correspondence and the fact that a natural person is an employee of the contracting party.

Pursuant to Art. 14(5) GDPR, Markant is not required to inform the concerned natural persons about this third‑party data collection. The contracting party is requested to inform the relevant third parties (in particular, its employees) about the described data processing performed by Markant.

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