Where to find us
We are active at 13 locations in 15 countries throughout Europe as well as in Hong Kong with the Markant Trading Organisation. Thanks to our various service companies, national subsidiaries and holding companies, we can provide you with optimal support internationally; over 1,200 employees of various nationalities and cultures are on hand locally as expert points of contact.
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Markant Česko s.r.o.
National subsidiary
The national subsidiary Markant Česko s.r.o. was founded in Prague in 1999. Knowledgeable service experts are on site as the primary contacts for our suppliers and retail partners.
Tomáš Sláma
Daniela Červeňáková
Markant Česko s.r.o.
Kateřinská 466/40
Nové Město
120 00 Prague 2
Phone: +420 296 368 202
E-Mail: office(at)markant.cz
Iberiana Frucht S.A.
Service provider
Iberiana Frucht S.A. was founded in 1994 as a subsidiary of Handelsmarken GmbH and is located in the middle of the plantation in Valencia. The Spanish organisation works closely with the corporate headquarters in Offenburg.
Enrique Clavel, Carmen Folgado, Nicolas Groot
Iberiana Frucht S.A.
P.I. Bobalar C/4 Nº 29-31
46130 Massamagrell, Valencia
Phone: +34 961 45 20 30
Fax: +34 961 45 20 31
Markant Syntrade Schweiz AG
National subsidiary
The national subsidiary Markant Syntrade Schweiz AG is located in Pfäffikon along with MARKANT Handels- und Industriewaren-Vermittlungs AG. The national subsidiary was founded in 2008 from a strategic partnership with Syntrade AG.
Jos Lanen
Markant Syntrade Schweiz AG
Churerstrasse 168
8808 Pfäffikon SZ
Phone: +41 58 450 26-00
E-Mail: info(at)ch.markantsyntrade.com
Markant AG
Parent company
The parent company of the Markant Group, Markant AG, is based in Pfäffikon, Switzerland. Markant AG coordinates all European subsidiaries and is responsible for the strategy development of the Markant Group.
Markus Tkotz
Dominik Scheid
Markant AG
Churerstrasse 166
8808 Pfäffikon SZ
Phone: +41 58 450 24 00
E-Mail: info(at)markant.com
Markant Österreich GmbH
National subsidiary
The Austrian national subsidiary Markant Österreich GmbH has its headquarters in Vienna. This national subsidiary was established in 2009 from a strategic partnership with ZEV Markant. The target markets of Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia are also served by Markant Österreich GmbH.
Mag. Thomas Zechner
Markant Österreich GmbH
Radingerstrasse 2a
1020 Vienna
Phone: +43 214 56 95-0
E-Mail: office(at)at.markant.com
Markant International Services România S.R.L.
National subsidiary
The national subsidiary Markant International Services România S.R.L. became operational in 2017. It has its headquarters in Bucharest. It is the primary contact for our Romanian suppliers and retail partners.
Sorana Georgia
Markant International Services România S.R.L.
(Business Center "Oregon Park")
Șoseaua Pipera nr. 46D-46E-48
Clădirea B, Parter
020112 - Bucharest, sector 2
Phone: +40 316314300
Markant Danmark
Country office
The Danish market is served from our German subsidiary in Offenburg.
Markant Polska Sp. z o.o.
National subsidiary
The national subsidiary Markant Polska Sp. z o.o. was founded in Warsaw in 2010. As is the case with all our national subsidiaries, it supports Markant Group with the implementation of our services according to the frameworks in each country.
Piotr Babisz
Our new address from 01.01.2021:
Markant Polska Sp. z o.o.
Zebra Tower
ul. Mokotowska 1
00-640 Warsaw
Phone: +48 224 343-200
E-Mail: office(at)pl.markant.com
Markant Services International Polska Sp. z o.o.
Markant Services International Polska Sp. z o.o. in Warsaw is a subsidiary of Markant Services International GmbH in Germany. It focuses on providing and supporting the services needed specifically for central and eastern European countries in the native languages.
Mark Michaelis
Magdalena Jarosz
Our new address from 01.01.2021:
Markant Services International Polska Sp. z o.o.
Zebra Tower
ul. Mokotowska 1
00-640 Warsaw
Phone: +48 224 343-200
E-Mail: office@pl.markant.com
Markant Services International GmbH
Service provider
Working on behalf of Markant Handels- und Industriewaren-Vermittlungs AG, Markant Services International GmbH in Offenburg is responsible for working with our national subsidiaries to develop and deliver the Markant services available in each location. It is also integrated into national and international partner projects as needed.
Mark Michaelis
Markant Services International GmbH
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Strasse 2
77656 Offenburg
Phone: +49 781 616-0
Fax: +49 781 616-166
E-Mail: info(at)de.markant.com
Markant Deutschland GmbH
National subsidiary
The national subsidiary Markant Deutschland GmbH has its headquarters in Offenburg. It is the contact partner for our German suppliers and retail partners. Markant Deutschland GmbH also serves the Danish target market.
John Grewe
Markant Deutschland GmbH
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Strasse 2
77656 Offenburg
Phone: +49 781 616-0
Fax: +49 781 616-166
E-Mail: info(at)de.markant.com
Handelsmarken GmbH
Service provider
Handelsmarken GmbH is a service subsidiary of Markant Handels- und Industriewaren-Vermittlungs AG and is also located at the Offenburg location.
Markus Tkotz
Dominik Scheid
Handelsmarken GmbH
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Strasse 2
77656 Offenburg
Phone: +49 781 616-245
Fax: +49 781 616-8249
E-Mail: info(at)handelsmarken-gmbh.de
INTERGAST Grossverbraucher-Service Handelsgesellschaft mbH
Associated company
INTERGAST Grossverbraucher-Service Handelsgesellschaft mbH is an association of companies consisting of independent food service wholesale companies that offer a delivery and cash and carry service throughout Germany. The headquarters of INTERGAST is located in Offenburg. INTERGAST offers food and non-food items as well as a specialized gastronomy selection for restaurants, hotels and social catering customers. In addition, it provides on-site concepts and services for specific targets groups: from ERP programs and software for nutrition management through advertising materials to gastronomical ordering systems through a tablet PC and the Gastro webshop.
INTERGAST Grossverbraucher-Service Handelsgesellschaft mbH
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Strasse 2
77656 Offenburg
E-Mail: info(at)intergast.de
gv food union
Associated company
gv food union GmbH is an initiative of INTERGAST Grossverbraucher-Service Handelsgesellschaft mbH and Service-Bund GmbH & Co. KG. Their joint goal is to promote collaboration between large wholesalers and vendors. gv food union GmbH is also an important marketing partner for the manufacturers. With more than 140 locations in Germany, it is the market leader in wholesale consumer and wholesale delivery trade.Sales representatives are available on-site for personal consultation. The headquarters of gv food union GmbH is located in Offenburg.
gv food union GmbH
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Strasse 2
77656 Offenburg
E-Mail: info(at)intergast.de
MCS Marketing und Convenience-Shop System GmbH
Associated company
MCS Marketing und Convenience-Shop System GmbH is a service company for filling stations, kiosks, convenience stores and other small impulse-driven sales businesses. Its product offering includes beverages, candy, food, tobacco products, prepaid products and other appropriate products. In addition, MCS sales representatives provide personalized, on-site consultation and develop shop and sales promotion concepts for their customers. The associated wholesalers supply their customers throughout Germany. MCS headquarters is in Offenburg.
MCS - Marketing und Convenience-Shop System GmbH
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Straße 2
77656 Offenburg
Phone.: +49 781 616-716
Fax: +49 781 616-8716
E-Mail: mail(at)mcs.eu
Markant European Payment Services GmbH
Service provider
Markant European Payment Services GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Markant Handels- und Industriewaren-Vermittlungs AG.
After the licence has been issued by BaFin, the company will provide payment services within the framework of the European Central Settlement for Markant's suppliers and retail partners throughout Europe.
Andrin Hofmann
Dirk Knittel
Markant European Payment Services GmbH
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Strasse 2
77656 Offenburg
Telefon: +49 781 616-0
Telefax: +49 781 616-166
E-Mail: info@markant-payment.com
Zentrale Handelsgesellschaft mbH
Service subsidary
Zentrale Handelsgesellschaft mbH is a service subsidary of Handelsmarken GmbH. It offers a selection of private label food and non-food brands that are reliably high-quality yet economical and are reserved exclusively for our retail partners.
Marcel Blum
Dominik Scheid
Zentrale Handelsgesellschaft mbH
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Strasse 2
77656 Offenburg
Telefon: +49 781 616-245
Telefax: +49 781 616-8249
E-Mail: info(at)zhg-online.de
Iberiana Frucht
Iberiana Frucht is subsidiary of Handelsmarken GmbH. As the "Gateway to the fruit and vegetable market", it supplies our retail partners exclusively with high-quality, high-value fruit and vegetables from monitored and integrated sources. Iberiana Frucht has locations in Offenburg and Valencia.
Dominik Scheid
Iberiana Frucht GmbH
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Strasse 2
77656 Offenburg
Telefon: +49 781 616-0
Telefax: +49 781 616-376
E-Mail: info(at)iberiana.de
Markant Finanz AG
Service provider
Based in Basel, Markant Finanz AG is an exclusive service provider for our suppliers and retail partners.
Their range of services includes short- to medium-term financing as well as additional services.
Andrin Hofmann
Andrin Hofmann
Markant Finanz AG
St. Alban-Vorstadt 72
4052 Basel
Phone: +41 61 2050820
Fax: +41 61 2050845
E-Mail: bfink(at)markant-finanz.ch
Markant Slovensko s.r.o.
National subsidiary
The national subsidiary Markant Slovensko s.r.o. was founded in 2004. It also has its headquarters in Prague, Czech Republic and plays an active role supporting our Slovakian partners.
Tomáš Sláma
Daniela Červeňáková
Postal address:
Markant Slovensko s.r.o.
Zámocká 30
811 01 Bratislava
Visiting address:
Markant Slovensko s.r.o.
Kateřinská 466/40
Nové Město
120 00 Prague 2
Phone: +421 259 200-264
Fax: +421 259 200-268
E-Mail: office(at)markant.cz
Markant Hrvatska
Country office
The Croatian market is served by Markant Österreich GmbH in Vienna.
Markant Slovenija
Country office
The Slovenian market is coordinated and organised from our Austrian subsidiary.
Markant Magyarország
Country office
The Hungarian market is coordinated and organised from our Austrian subsidiary.
Markant BELUX bv
National subsidiary
The national subsidiary Markant BELUX bv was founded in 2020 as a result of a strategic partnership with the purchasing association Bloc bv. From her location north of Brussels, she works for the partners in Belgium and Luxembourg.
Chris De Meirsman
Markant Belux bv
Nijverheidslaan 1
1853 Strombeek-Bever
Phone : +32 2 512 16 40
E-Mail: info(at)be.markant.com
Markant BELUX bv
National subsidiary
The Luxembourg market is coordinated and organized by our BELUX subsidiary in Brussels.
Markant Trading Organisation (Far East) Ltd.
Markant Trading Organisation (Far East) Ltd. in Hong Kong was established as a MarkantGroup service company in 1988 and is the bridge to the Asian-Pacific market. As a full-service agency it supports our partners with procurement and the processing of nonfood transactions in Asia.
Helmut Schwarting
Markant Trading Organisation (Far East) Ltd.
Suites 1023-1025 Chinachem Golden Plaza
77 Mody Road
Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon
Hong Kong, S.A.R., P.R. China
Phone: +852 2592 5524
E-Mail: info@markant.com.hk
Service provider
Bayard GmbH supports retail, industry and healthcare companies with data syndication services to create the foundation for digital commerce. With many years of experience in product content management consulting, comprehensive expertise in the implementation of PIM solutions and its own platform Byrd, Bayard GmbH is the right partner for the European retail, consumer goods and healthcare industries for digital transformation.
Mark Michaelis
Björn Bayard
Agrippinawerft 30
D-50678 Cologne
Phone: +49 221 716 185-0
E-Mail: info(at)bayard-consulting.com
Markant Services International Portugal Unipessoal Lda.
Service provider
Markant Services International Portugal Unipessoal Lda. was founded in November 2024 as a tech company based in Porto, Portugal. The location supports the further development and scaling of Markant's European B2B marketplace.
Florian Schader
Markant Services International Portugal Unipessoal Lda
Rua Eng. Ferreira Dias 1177
4100-247 Porto
Phone: +351 936 170 990
Iberiana Frucht S.r.l.
Iberiana Frucht S.r.l in Conversano in the region Apulien was founded as a subsidiary of Iberiana Frucht GmbH. Iberiana Frucht stands for high quality as well as product safety and has further locations in Offenburg and Valencia.
Enrique Clavel
Operational seat:
Iberiana Frucht S.r.l.
Via Padre Michele
Accolti Gil, 18
70014 Conversano
Legal seat:
Iberiana Frucht S.r.l.
Viale della Stazione, 7
39100 Bolzano (BZ)
Retail.ai GmbH
Service provider
Retail.ai GmbH is an innovative and ambitious service company of the Markant Group in the retail and FMCG sector, specialising in generative AI technologies. Our entrepreneurial activities are diverse and essentially comprise four main business areas: Product Factory, Academy, Lab and Alliance.
Mark Michaelis
Retail.ai GmbH
Platz der Einheit 2
60327 Frankfurt am Main
E-Mail: info(at)retailai.io
For better readability, only the masculine form is used on the website. This form is explicitly understood to be gender-neutral.